Thursday, November 3, 2011

Occupy The N.B.A. - Birth of The NBA Fan Organization ?

The Mission: An opportunity for the folks on Main Street (i.e. the Fans of the NBA) to have their voices heard.

1. Establishment of an NBA Fan Organization (NFO), a non-profit, equal opportunity based entity with full bargaining rights and a seat at the table for all future NBA negotiations.

2. One-third ownership of revenues stemming from the proceeds of the NBA (leading to an equal share between Owners, Players Associations and the NFO).

Mission Statement of the NBA Fan Organization (NFO): The creation of the NFO recognizes the equal share and rights of the fans of the NBA to participate in all aspects of NBA futures negotiations. Proceeds to the NFO will go to fan-based initiatives including but not limited to providing opportunities to underprivileged, unemployed, physically and mentally challenged individuals and members of the armed services and their families.
Nominations for NFO leadership roles (People's Manager, People's Legal Council ) are open to the general public.  An interim Organization Leader/Manager will be chosen for the first year's operations prior to an Organization-wide vote for longer-term positions (Michael Moore nominated for the position).

The Leverage: Crazy, impossible, never will happen, the Owners and Players Associations will never go for it, right? Right/Wrong, because here is the catch - until the NFO becomes sanctioned and gains an equal seat at the negotiations table - WE THE PEOPLE, i.e. MILLIONS of FANS are UNIFIED in solidarity to BOYCOTT THE NBA for as long as it takes to be recognized, period. The demand is set in stone and nonnegotiable.


Dear NBA Basketball Fans,

With ~14 million American people unemployed and thousands of people occupying and marching on cities across the country, as just a few of the backdrops, as a devote fan of the NBA and someone who loves both sport and country, I am appalled and saddened to see what has transpired and what is going on in the name of sport, NBA basketball and business. The last straw for me was reading about Commissioner David Stern's fine of Miami Heat owner Micky Arison, half a million dollars, for a couple of innocuous tweets (insane stuff - completely nuts). And it's not as if I am deeply concerned about the money fined and potentially lost by Mr. Arison - but the "gesture" and absurdity of the amount of cash these people are toying with, tossing around, speaks volumes to the greed on both sides of the table.  Completely over the top - with absolutely zero Fan perspective.

The lack of any smidgen of recognition of the guys and gals on Main Street throughout this fiasco, i.e. the Fans and businesses that thrive off of the NBA Empire, who are missing out and shut out of the negotiations has never been more glaring. It's time to put an end to the monarchy of Sport (be it the NBA, MLB and/or NFL) - the fans deserve a VOICE (beyond voting for the All-Star Game rosters) and the right to participate in these businesses. 

The cost of going to these games has become prohibitive; the price of tickets, concessions (the $5 soda and $10 hot dog), parking, etc - it's crazy. Even bleacher seats at the ol' ball game have gone through the roof.  The average middle class family can barely afford to attend without having to make significant sacrifices and those less fortunate simply are absent from the games.

If WE THE PEOPLE establish the precedent for this, using basketball and the NBA as the model - then the Walls could fall around other sports as well and the games will have a chance to be brought back to planet Earth for what they are, the American People's pastime(s), not the opportunity they've become for the very few to make gazillion$ off the backs of the hardworking people of this great nation.

I've been thinking about the people that I know who are best suited to serve the role of interim Leader of the Organization, and I can not think of anyone of higher acclaim with the Organizational skills and media access that could help propel this message into the public spotlight, better/further than Michael Moore. He would be my 1st choice but there are many others who would also serve the Fans well.  Please comment on who you'd like to see steer this ship. And if you are feeling any of the ire that I am feeling - please let me know.

United we stand a chance to give the Fans the voice we deserve.

   Josh Schultz
   Ballston Lake, NY

BTW: The first kid that I would want to send NBA tix to (along with his coach, father and family) is featured in this video - watch it!